News Archives

Learning how to do it all

Learning how to do it all

Yeah…that’s a myth.  We put all of this pressure on ourselves to be the perfect professional, perfect spouse/partner, parent, friend, daughter/son, have the perfect car parked in the perfect house in [...]

Millions of dollars on the line

Millions of dollars on the line

Costs related to data breaches could cost a credit union in the millions of dollars—a huge liability typically not covered under a CU’s general liability coverage. That’s why many credit unions are [...]

Success starts with how you think

Success starts with how you think

How we think directly corresponds to how we act. Truly successful leaders understand the power of thought and how positive thinking drives an optimistic attitude, which more often than not leads to successful outcomes. That [...]

Time is short for FASB amendment compliance

Time is short for FASB amendment compliance

Is your credit union prepared to respond to the Accounting Standards Update 2016-01, recently amended by the Financial Accounting Standards Board? On Feb. 28, FASB issued six amendments to the 2016 guidance, which primarily impacted [...]

Is there a cost to convenience?

Is there a cost to convenience?

The financial sector has been on a mission to redefine the experience it provides. Companies continue chasing new channels, faster technologies, less friction in the customer journey and any other innovation to reach the holy [...]

CUNA encouraged as S. 2155 gains momentum in House

CUNA encouraged as S. 2155 gains momentum in House

CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle thanked House Financial Services Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) for his Thursday remarks that he would be willing to support the Senate-passed Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act (S. [...]

NAFCU, Federation file joint ADA brief defending $1M-asset CU

NAFCU, Federation file joint ADA brief defending $1M-asset CU

NAFCU on Wednesday filed an amicus brief in support of an Alabama-based $1.4 million-asset community development credit union facing litigation over unclear website accessibility requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). NAFCU was [...]