News Archives

Machetes and maps = training must-haves

Machetes and maps = training must-haves

A CUES staffer recently talked with a member who had been focused on technical training for employees at his credit union. But now the member was letting the pendulum swing the other way and looking [...]

The importance of a payments strategy

The importance of a payments strategy

I recently came across a shocking statistic: 87 percent of U.S. banks do not have a formal payments strategy according to the American Bankers Association 2017 Payments Strategy Survey. Given the large number of [...]

Maximize results with mission based marketing

Maximize results with mission based marketing

“How are these other credit unions you work with getting these results?” That was the question one frustrated CEO asked me several weeks ago. The answer was easy. “Mission. Based. Marketing,” I said. That’s [...]

One percent is no longer enough

One percent is no longer enough

Can a credit union “buy” a member’s love and loyalty? Perhaps not, but if they want to try, card rewards are the single biggest currency the cooperative has at its disposal. This is particularly [...]

CFPB amends TRID to fix so-called “black hole”

CFPB amends TRID to fix so-called “black hole”

The TILA-RESPA integrated disclosures rule (TRID) is quite a way to start a Monday morning, so I apologize in advance. On Thursday, April 26, the CFPB issued a long-awaited amendment to TRID that will go [...]

Compliance: CDD rule electronic certification form available

Compliance: CDD rule electronic certification form available

With less than two weeks remaining before the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network’s (FinCEN) customer due diligence (CDD) becomes effective May 11, FinCEN has made its electronic CDD beneficial owner certification form available. [...]

Design. Build. Innovate: Inside CO-OP’s software developer culture

Design. Build. Innovate: Inside CO-OP’s software developer culture

As CO-OP continues down the path of digital transformation, we are focused on building a culture of product innovation. CO-OP’s growing team of nearly 100 developers are constantly designing, developing, testing, and supporting the [...]