News Archives

CUs back primary candidates in NC, IN, WV

CUs back primary candidates in NC, IN, WV

As voters start to head to the polls for the 2018 primary elections, CUNA and credit unions will be supporting credit union-friendly candidates around the country. In Tuesday’s elections, credit unions are backing two [...]

CDD rule takes effect Friday

CDD rule takes effect Friday

The long-awaited changes to the Bank Secrecy Act’s customer due diligence requirements go into effect this Friday, May 11. Although many credit unions may not deal with the type of sophisticated entities that this [...]

MAP: Unleashing a grassroots powerhouse

MAP: Unleashing a grassroots powerhouse

With total memberships of 110 million, credit unions have the potential to be grassroots powerhouse in Washington, especially when you consider the membership numbers of such lobbying stalwarts such as the National Rifle Association (five [...]

An ‘early warning’ about big name players

An ‘early warning’ about big name players

Is it time for credit unions to be more concerned about checking competition from some big-name, big-budget brands that also own fintechs? Despite the record level of deposits in checking accounts, the number of depository [...]

How to achieve the ideal workday

How to achieve the ideal workday

Sit back and imagine your ideal, perfect workday. What would it look like? Would it be a day without meetings? Perhaps it would be a day without interruptions. Maybe your ideal workday is one where [...]

Eleventh hour DOL fiduciary rule rescue efforts fail

Eleventh hour DOL fiduciary rule rescue efforts fail

Last-ditch efforts by one large interest group and three state attorneys general have failed to rescue the Department of Labor's (DOL) fiduciary rule, which was struck down by the 5th Circuit of Appeals in March [...]