News Archives

NAFCU anticipates historic House vote on S. 2155 today

NAFCU anticipates historic House vote on S. 2155 today

The House today is expected to vote on the NAFCU-backed Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act (S. 2155), which would provide much-needed regulatory relief to the financial services industry. This is an historic [...]

Run a 21st-century credit union

Run a 21st-century credit union

We’ve all heard the cliché that companies today need to act like technology start-ups. But what does that really mean? “It’s not just about technology,” futurist Mike Walsh told attendees at the 2018 [...]

Help members stay ahead of unexpected auto repairs

Help members stay ahead of unexpected auto repairs

Auto lending season has arrived for credit unions. Thanks to consumers’ ample access to credit, low debt burdens, strong job growth, growing hourly earnings and rising home values, auto sales are expected to top 17.[...]

McWatters telecommutes: So what?

McWatters telecommutes: So what?

It’s been more than a week now since the Washington Post reportedwhat anyone who follows the NCUA has known for a while: Chairman J. Mark McWatters doesn’t care much for Washington and spends [...]

Retain talent: Pay attention to employees

Retain talent: Pay attention to employees

Think back through your career and recall the best boss you’ve ever had. What made them so special and unique? Chances are better than not, they gave you authentic, frequent and personalized attention. Whether [...]

The word of the day is…preemption

The word of the day is…preemption

Federal credit unions ask about preemption from time to time, and we've blogged on the topic more generally in the past. A recent appellate case out of the Ninth Circuit has some FCUs asking questions [...]