News Archives

‘Doing the best I can with what I have’

‘Doing the best I can with what I have’

It’s almost a certainty that any finance person is good with numbers. And, it’s also a safe bet those same folks will be proficient with Excel software. With those two skills in hand, [...]

New job titles reflect important aspirations

New job titles reflect important aspirations

Changing job titles — the titles themselves, not the people holding them — is not really a new thing at credit unions. But there’s a new wave of them that are interesting and promising. These new [...]

Are you really who you say you are?

Are you really who you say you are?

In a now infamous rant several years ago, Dennis Green, former coach of the Arizona Cardinals once said after a game, “They are what we thought they were.” One of legendary coach Bill Parcells’ most [...]

Why your brand is breaking down

Why your brand is breaking down

I’m about to say something unpopular. What I have the audacity to suggest should have some marketing professionals scratching a line off their resume or LinkedIn profile. It will also create a lot more [...]

NAFCU’s RBC-delay provision advances out of committee

NAFCU’s RBC-delay provision advances out of committee

The House Financial Services Committee yesterday advanced out of committee a NAFCU-sought provision to delay the implementation of NCUA's risk based capital (RBC) rule by two years that is housed in the Foreign Investment Risk [...]