News Archives

CUNA, World Council discuss EU data protection regulation

CUNA, World Council discuss EU data protection regulation

CUNA hosted a webinar Wednesday on the European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which became effective May 25. Lance Noggle, CUNA senior director of advocacy for payments and cybersecurity, presented, along with [...]

Preparing your team for change

Preparing your team for change

People are naturally resistant to change. When you leave a YMC strategic planning experience, there’s no doubt you will have identified some changes you need to make to get unstuck and take your credit [...]

S 2155 helps CUs fight fraud, elder abuse

S 2155 helps CUs fight fraud, elder abuse

Credit union CEOs say provisions of the new regulatory relief bill related to mortgages and business lending aren’t the only areas where their operations will be affected; they see changes occurring elsewhere as well. [...]

Be in the know

Be in the know

As members begin to expect big-tech experiences from every organization they interact with, the only way to stay on top is to have a keen understanding of exactly what it is they are looking for [...]

Leagues thanks Congress for S.2155 support

Leagues thanks Congress for S.2155 support

Credit union league presidents in Utah and the Dakotas thanked members of Congress for their efforts in passing S. 2155--the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act. In an op-ed piece that appeared in [...]

Thaler rallies CUs as NAFCU sets sights on more reg relief

Thaler rallies CUs as NAFCU sets sights on more reg relief

NAFCU Vice President of Legislative Affairs Brad Thaler is calling on credit unions to contact their representatives and senators this week and urge them to support even more regulatory relief for the industry now that [...]