News Archives

CFPB to reorganize CUAC, form new, smaller advisory groups

CFPB to reorganize CUAC, form new, smaller advisory groups

CFPB Acting Director Mick Mulvaney announced a reorganization of the bureau's councils and advisory boards – including the Credit Union Advisory Council (CUAC). NAFCU has told Mulvaney of the value of the CUAC and hopes the [...]

3 ways partnership is the new leadership

3 ways partnership is the new leadership

“Is Partnership the New Leadership?” will be the focus of a session at CUES’ Execu/Net in August in Sedona, Ariz. When I reflected on this interesting question, I immediately thought of three ways that [...]

PR Insight: Don’t lose out on the “lost” generation

PR Insight: Don’t lose out on the “lost” generation

When it comes to the topic of generations, there are waves of articles on millennials, focused on the differences between millennials and Baby Boomers, the pending generational wealth transfer and marketing to this younger demographic. [...]

Attacks on tax status misguided

Attacks on tax status misguided

In a letter delivered in April to Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) urges the Senate Finance Committee to evaluate the tax-exempt status for large credit unions. NTU’s letter falsely characterizes [...]

Why fast integration is the new innovation

Why fast integration is the new innovation

The financial services industry is shifting so quickly that it’s hard for credit unions to keep pace. Having built their reputations for superior member service in face-to-face encounters at the branch, credit unions now [...]

Flipping the switch to Central Valley Firefighters

Flipping the switch to Central Valley Firefighters

The fire service is full of traditions and rituals. The work of firefighters is dangerous and unexpected, and the protection of lives and property comes with great responsibility. It comes with no surprise that firefighting [...]

To build a great analytics team, first build the culture

To build a great analytics team, first build the culture

Data analysts today are working in a red-hot field. Their expertise is in high demand, and there is no shortage of “dream” companies looking for their expertise. Credit unions will need to fight hard to [...]

The search for the ‘fat middle’

The search for the ‘fat middle’

At Kemba Credit Union ($871.1M, West Chester, OH) necessity is the mother of invention. When the Ohio credit union’s one underwriter for indirect auto loan applications left in 2015, the organization’s leaders [...]

CUNA continues FOM support as NCUA, ABA appeal court ruling

CUNA continues FOM support as NCUA, ABA appeal court ruling

The American Bankers Association filed a cross-appeal in response to NCUA’s appeal of the U.S. District Court ruling regarding NCUA’s field-of-membership (FOM) rule. CUNA strongly supports NCUA’s appeal and further believes [...]

NAFCU to House panel: CUs should be exempt from CFPB authority

NAFCU to House panel: CUs should be exempt from CFPB authority

NAFCU, ahead of a House Financial Services subcommittee hearing today on ways to improve transparency and accountability at the CFPB, reiterated its opposition to the bureau's authority over credit unions out of concern for overregulation, [...]