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Three key advantages of a strong brand strategy

Three key advantages of a strong brand strategy

A brand strategy can take what people know and believe about your business to new levels. Active brand management takes a valuable asset that may now be largely underused, and turns it into a powerful [...]

3 stories of bank acquisition

3 stories of bank acquisition

With the recent spate of community bank purchases by credit unions — more than a half-dozen so far in 2018 — a possible new trend is emerging that offers additional ways to capture market share and expand [...]

Four competitors to compare

Four competitors to compare

Whether you are conducting a strategic planning session, developing your marketing plan or creating your brand, knowing your competitors is a key to success. As Sun Tzu said in The Art of War, “If you [...]

CUNA-backed BSA/AML bill set for Thursday committee markup

CUNA-backed BSA/AML bill set for Thursday committee markup

The House Financial Services Committee is scheduled to mark up CUNA-backed draft legislation Thursday that would make several updates to Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) requirements. CUNA supports efforts to track money laundering [...]

4 ways money can buy happiness

4 ways money can buy happiness

The saying “more money, more problems” isn’t exactly true.  Research supports the idea that the correlation between money and happiness has more to do with how you spend it. Financial experts say being able [...]

Tell your story in the service of others

Tell your story in the service of others

Many people have an inner voice that prevents them from speaking freely. Shut down that voice, advises Dr. Michael Hudson, a professional speaker with experience in the credit union industry. “Your story is powerful,” Hudson [...]

Changing CU’s fortunes begins with this

Changing CU’s fortunes begins with this

When it comes to turning around the fortunes of a struggling credit union, if the CEO is not paying close attention to the organization’s culture, all the strategies and tactics in the world won’[...]

Does your overdraft program place value above fees?

Does your overdraft program place value above fees?

In the past few years, big banks have made it increasingly difficult for Americans to keep a basic free checking account. Consider the following: Institutions like Bank of America announced more requirements to waive their [...]