News Archives

A deeper look into the appraiser shortage

A deeper look into the appraiser shortage

The shortage of appraisers has been an ongoing concern within the real estate industry. According to a National Association of Realtors (NAR) survey conducted last year, there are three major factors resulting in the appraiser [...]

Senate votes down CUNA-opposed rescissions bill

Senate votes down CUNA-opposed rescissions bill

CUNA wrote to Senate leadership Wednesday in opposition to a bill that would rescind $141 million from the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund. The Senate voted down the legislation Wednesday afternoon by [...]

Why posting is not enough

Why posting is not enough

Some credit unions might think it is acceptable to post content on their social media channels then neglect their profiles for days or even weeks. Without actively engaging with members on social media, your CU [...]

A good brand allows for occasional promotions

A good brand allows for occasional promotions

At this year’s Financial Brand Forum a few weeks ago, keynote speaker and brand guru Guy Kawasaki had a terrific offering of wisdom for attendees. One that really stuck with me went a little [...]

CUNA supports Senate FSGG bill w/ full CDFI funding

CUNA supports Senate FSGG bill w/ full CDFI funding

The Senate Appropriations subcommittee on financial services and general government (FSGG) passed its fiscal year 2019 bill Tuesday, which contains CUNA-supported full funding for the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund. CUNA has [...]

Metsger: NCUSIF distributions slated end of July/early August

Metsger: NCUSIF distributions slated end of July/early August

NCUA Board Member Rick Metsger told attendees of NAFCU's Defense Credit Union Summit yesterday that the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) dividend payments can be expected "sooner rather than later," with a timeline [...]