News Archives

Trying to save? Move here

Trying to save? Move here

If you’ve been trying your best to build up savings, but despite your best efforts you just can’t meet your goal, the answer might be location, location, location. That is, where you live [...]

Daniel Lerner: Pursue your passion

Daniel Lerner: Pursue your passion

Can happiness and success co-exist? That depends on how you define success. “The idea of happiness and success don’t always go together,” says Daniel Lerner, co-author of “U Thrive: How to Succeed in College ([...]

U.S. consumer comfort nears 17-year high

U.S. consumer comfort nears 17-year high

Americans’ sentiment approached a 17-year high last week on increasingly upbeat views of the economy and personal finances, the Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index showed Thursday. Weekly index increased to 57.6, the fourth straight advance, [...]

Daring questions and your strategic planning session

Daring questions and your strategic planning session

History and tradition can serve as great comforters. They can also serve as detriments to your bank or credit union strategic planning session. Far too many financial institutions simply go through the paces when it [...]

10 topics to educate your customers on debt management

10 topics to educate your customers on debt management

These days, we consistently hear about how strong the U.S. economy is, with home values quickly increasing and low unemployment creating lucrative opportunities for workers. Despite that, many Americans are struggling financially and are [...]

Instead of start… stop. Just stop.

Instead of start… stop. Just stop.

It’s now July and time for a mid-year review. I’m willing to bet there are a quite a few to-dos left on your marketing plan that haven’t moved forward – or worse, haven’[...]

Contactless cards: An independent, unbiased opinion

Contactless cards: An independent, unbiased opinion

Two years ago, ThePaymentsReview published an article asking the question “Will contactless payment cards catch on in the United States?” So far, they have not. But if it is up to the major card brands, [...]

Credit unions top banks in new Forbes ratings

Credit unions top banks in new Forbes ratings

Credit unions once again beat banks in new member/customer service ratings released by Forbes. Credit unions earned an average score of 80 versus 75.2 for banks in Forbes’ first-ever Best-In-State Banks and Credit [...]

Be part of NAFCU’s award-winning advocacy at Congressional Caucus

Be part of NAFCU’s award-winning advocacy at Congressional Caucus

Credit unions have about two weeks left to save on registration for NAFCU's Congressional Caucus – the credit union lobbying event of the year – which highlights NAFCU's award-winning advocacy efforts and reputation as the industry's Washington [...]

Awareness initiative will ‘hammer home’ membership eligibility

Awareness initiative will ‘hammer home’ membership eligibility

CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle introduced the “why” of the Creating Awareness Initiative Friday at the CUNA America’s Credit Union Conference. During Saturday’s general session, attendees learned the “what.” The initiative is a [...]