News Archives

The good of Amazon Go? It’s seamless

The good of Amazon Go? It’s seamless

Before I could enter Seattle’s Amazon Go store this June, I was required to download the Amazon Go app to my smartphone. I was able to do this within a minute. Literally. As I [...]

You are not your target audience

You are not your target audience

You, credit union staffer, are a hero. What you do each day improves members’ lives, helping them envision, plan for, and achieve a better future. You’re on the inside of a storied tradition of [...]

Is your personality a liability or an asset?

Is your personality a liability or an asset?

Newsweek magazine published a language analysis of US presidents done by FactBase concluding that Donald Trump speaks at a mid-fourth grade level, the lowest of all presidents analyzed, more than one grade level below the [...]

Five principles to building a digital mindset

Five principles to building a digital mindset

A CEO recently told me he wants to transform his community financial institution into a digital bank but keeps hitting an all-too-common internal roadblock: "But this is how we've always done it." The CEO instituted [...]

Compliance: NCUA provides exam modernization updates

Compliance: NCUA provides exam modernization updates

NCUA’s latest letter to credit unions (18-CU-01) provides an update on five Examination Modernization Initiatives designed to improve and modernize how the agency conducts examination and supervision. The NCUA board approved five initiatives to [...]

HR 1151: ‘When we roared, we couldn’t be beat’

HR 1151: ‘When we roared, we couldn’t be beat’

Before the fight to pass H.R. 1151, the Credit Union Membership Access Act, credit unions were somewhat of a political afterthought on Capitol Hill, says Buddy Gill, a chief architect of the effort to [...]