News Archives

Number of borrowers below prime shrinking

Number of borrowers below prime shrinking

New data indicate subprime auto loans are declining, but it’s not the result of big banks such as Wells Fargo exiting the business as much as it is due to consumers’ improved financial status. [...]

After strategic planning: The missing link

After strategic planning: The missing link

The board of directors approved the strategic plan, and all the work that led up to the strategic planning event culminated in the alignment of the vision, mission, and strategic objectives. The hard work is [...]

Finding the sweet spots with deposit rates

Finding the sweet spots with deposit rates

As we visit with Dashboard clients, we’re hearing plenty of buzz about the need to further raise deposit rates to remain competitive and meet customer expectations. With the likes of Sallie Mae and American [...]

President signs NDAA without provision impacting military CUs

President signs NDAA without provision impacting military CUs

President Donald Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2019 Monday at Fort Drum, enacting the legislation without a provision that could have negatively impacted military credit unions. CUNA successfully fought [...]

Bureau reportedly stepping away from MLA oversight

The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (previously the CFPB) will reportedly not examine financial institutions for compliance with the Department of Defense's (DoD) Military Lending Act (MLA) rule. This rule has posed many compliance challenges [...]

The good of Amazon Go? It’s seamless

The good of Amazon Go? It’s seamless

Before I could enter Seattle’s Amazon Go store this June, I was required to download the Amazon Go app to my smartphone. I was able to do this within a minute. Literally. As I [...]

You are not your target audience

You are not your target audience

You, credit union staffer, are a hero. What you do each day improves members’ lives, helping them envision, plan for, and achieve a better future. You’re on the inside of a storied tradition of [...]