News Archives

PR Insight: Pitching articles to the media

PR Insight: Pitching articles to the media

One of the most effective ways to draw attention to your credit union is to actively engage with the media in order to generate positive news stories. Most people quoted in news articles are either [...]

PODCAST: 360-degree advocacy

PODCAST: 360-degree advocacy

CUNA’s grassroots advocacy strategy uses multiple voices to influence policy important to the credit union movement. That includes credit union members and employees, including young professionals, says Adam Engelman, CUNA’s director of federal [...]

How I learned to stop worrying and love the Co-Op

How I learned to stop worrying and love the Co-Op

I graduated from college during the Great Recession. The financial meltdown gifted me and my friends with no job prospects, significant student loan debt, and four years of constant worry. Many of my friends left [...]

Three ways to grow your leadership skills

Three ways to grow your leadership skills

A new white paper authored by DDJ Myers’ Senior Vice President Peter Myers, MCC, shares research on mid-level leadership practices from six years of cohorts in the Emerging Leaders Program. This 35-page white paper is [...]

Senate Banking Committee sets hearing on S. 2155 implementation

Senate Banking Committee sets hearing on S. 2155 implementation

NCUA Chairman J. Mark McWatters will be among federal financial regulators testifying before the Senate Banking Committee Sept. 13 on implementation of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act (S. 2155). The hearing [...]