News Archives

Cybersecurity investment pays dividends three times over

Cybersecurity investment pays dividends three times over

Building a sustainable cybersecurity program is crucial for credit unions, as 61% of cyberattacks are aimed at small- to mid-sized businesses, particularly financial institutions, according to the 2017 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report. Lack of [...]

Does your brand care as much as it cleans?

Does your brand care as much as it cleans?

An interesting TV commercial for Woolite detergent caught my eye a few days ago. Yes, laundry detergent caught my eye. What stuck out most about the ad was its concluding line … “Woolite cares as much [...]

A great rate to fill the deposit gap

A great rate to fill the deposit gap

In the third quarter of 2015, the loan-to-share ratio at Day Air Credit Union($391.3M, Kettering, OH) reached 104%. The credit union’s fast-growing indirect loan operation had helped position the Ohio cooperative at [...]

NCUA offers info, assistance to CUs in path of Hurricane Florence

NCUA offers info, assistance to CUs in path of Hurricane Florence

NCUA is closely monitoring Hurricane Florence, it said Wednesday, and has a hurricane information webpage with materials on preparedness and recovery for credit unions and members affected by the storm. The NCUA will be ready [...]

NAFCU at White House to talk housing finance reform

NAFCU at White House to talk housing finance reform

NAFCU Senior Regulatory Affairs Counsel Ann Kossachev today will attend a meeting at the White House to discuss housing finance reform priorities. NAFCU has shared its core principles for housing financial reform that should be [...]

How to lead millennials

How to lead millennials

As Gen X starts to retire over the next ten years, Millennials will take over as the majority in the workforce. For leaders who haven’t quite figured out Gen Y, here are few things [...]

Cybersecurity: What’s your level of preparedness?

Cybersecurity: What’s your level of preparedness?

NCUA is using a new tool to gauge credit unions’ level of cybersecurity preparedness: The Automated Cybersecurity Examination Tool (ACET). Developed in 2017, ACET consists of an inherent risk profile and a cybersecurity maturity level, [...]

You don’t know what you don’t know

You don’t know what you don’t know

When a member goes to check their account balance through a mobile banking app, they don’t think about the types of integrations that were put in place by their credit union in order to [...]