News Archives

To pay or to be paid, that is the answer

To pay or to be paid, that is the answer

Using a debit card to pay a merchant, in a store or online, is standardized and intuitive. But getting paid is neither. Receiving and depositing a check, getting the money “Venmo’d” to you, by [...]

Relationships matter; 4 attributes of great leaders

Relationships matter; 4 attributes of great leaders

A great manager doesn't automatically make someone a great leader. A leader must go one big step above managing to understanding and leveraging the power of relationships. "The best leaders take their expert management skills [...]

Data breach notification, BCFP guidance standardization bills advance

Data breach notification, BCFP guidance standardization bills advance

Two NAFCU-backed bills advanced out of the House Financial Services Committee Thursday: one that would require data breach notifications for all financial entities, and one to streamline the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection's (previously the [...]

Three reasons to be a life-long learner

Three reasons to be a life-long learner

One of the keys to staying sharp as a leader is continuing to learn. Almost all of us are grateful when the days of formal education are behind us, (and not so grateful about student [...]

3 reasons you should go solar

3 reasons you should go solar

None of us are Tony Stark, so it’s unlikely any of us have an arc reactor that can turn our homes into “a beacon of self-sustaining clean energy.” But if you’re looking for [...]

CFO Focus: Equal, opposing market forces steady rates

CFO Focus: Equal, opposing market forces steady rates

As we approach the end of the quarter three 2018, I can honestly say that I have never attempted a financial markets forecast with so many important economic, financial market and geopolitical uncertainties. However, for [...]

Collaboration power

Collaboration power

In 2017, during the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, $3 billion asset Credit Human Federal Credit Union in San Antonio needed to provide members with pre-approved, short-term emergency funds. It found the answer in a credit [...]

Why your title does not define you as a leader

Why your title does not define you as a leader

It is Saturday morning and career coaching time. One of my favorite questions to ask a client is, “What’s next for you?” A multitude of responses include, “I have more potential to leverage,” “not [...]