News Archives

Compliance: Reg. CC rule includes presumption of alteration

Compliance: Reg. CC rule includes presumption of alteration

The Federal Reserve has published a final rule amending subpart C of Regulation CC (Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks) to address check alteration disputes when the paper check is unavailable for inspection. The [...]

Berger reiterates CUs should not be under CRA

Berger reiterates CUs should not be under CRA

With Sen. Elizabeth Warren's, D-Mass., introduction of the American Housing and Economic Mobility Act (S. 3503), NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger reiterated that NAFCU stands with credit unions and is strongly opposed to any [...]

Elevate your impact with these 2019 credit union conferences!

Elevate your impact with these 2019 credit union conferences!

Your impact on your credit union is strong—and these conferences will help you achieve an even more elite level. View NAFCU's entire 2019 conference lineup now so you can easily assemble your training budget [...]

Chance and choice in talent development

Chance and choice in talent development

In Ali: A Life, author Jonathan Eig tells an interesting story about world-class boxer Muhammad Ali as an adolescent. One day Ali and his friends were out bicycling when it started raining hard. The boys [...]

How a good economy can lead to bad debt

How a good economy can lead to bad debt

When it comes to the U.S. economy, there’s good and bad news. The good news is that we’re at almost full employment, and consumers are feeling confident about their ability to maintain [...]

A simple strategy for success

A simple strategy for success

Stephanie DeGrand has a simple strategy for human resource (HR) success. She puts herself in her employee’s shoes, and that makes all the difference. Co-workers describe DeGrand, a human resources specialist for $1.4 [...]

Why choosing an FI is like choosing a restaurant

Why choosing an FI is like choosing a restaurant

Living in Washington, DC, it’s challenging to choose a restaurant. There are SO. MANY. OPTIONS. In fact, there are 2,233options. This means there are 2,233 opportunities for food envy. With so many [...]

Conquering anxiety during core conversions

Conquering anxiety during core conversions

Change has never been to known to be easy. In fact, there is an entire industry built around change management or the process of preparing your credit union's leaders, boards, employees, and members for organizational [...]

These investments require pre-purchase analysis

These investments require pre-purchase analysis

Due diligence is a good idea before any credit union purchase. But the National Credit Union Administration actually requires a formal pre-purchase analysis before you buy investments to fund your employee and executive benefits plans. [...]

CUNA praised for S. 2155 digital grassroots success

CUNA praised for S. 2155 digital grassroots success

CUNA was recognized Thursday for its grassroots success in getting tens of thousands of messages to legislators in support of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act (S. 2155). CUNA’s grassroots engagement [...]