News Archives

One foot in the future

One foot in the future

One of my professors used to say, “You’ve got to have one foot in the present, and one foot in the future.” As a CEO, this statement couldn’t be more relevant in today’[...]

Digital banking transformation: Where should you start?

Digital banking transformation: Where should you start?

Bank and credit union executives are getting bombarded daily with messages warning of the demise of the banking industry as we know it if major actions aren’t taken immediately. From replacing legacy operations systems [...]

A curated learning site is like salad

A curated learning site is like salad

Every day, millions of Internet users log onto websites like Facebook and YouTube. While on these sites, they spend hours upon hours surfing for content to entertain and feed their hunger for information. These sites [...]

CUNA engaged with S. 2155, money laundering hearings this week

CUNA engaged with S. 2155, money laundering hearings this week

CUNA will be engaged with a hearing on the implementation of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act (S. 2155) this week, in addition to other activities on Capitol Hill this week. NCUA [...]

NAFCU: More guidance needed from bureau on HMDA, more

NAFCU reiterated the need for more industry guidance on the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection's (previously the CFPB) Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) rule during a NAFCU webinar last week. The webinar, which is still [...]

Turn transformation into differentiation

Turn transformation into differentiation

Recently while working through strategic planning gigs with credit unions, senior executives and Boards have been grappling with three critical areas of focus: delivering consistent, optimal member experiences; becoming more efficient, and getting teams working [...]

Instant issuance: SFP or SaaS?

Instant issuance: SFP or SaaS?

Instant issuance has become a valuable service offering for credit unions as they respond to on-demand member expectations, expedite cards into members’ hands, and capture greater interchange revenue potential. For credit unions exploring instant issuance, [...]

Should financial institutions use Instagram stories?

Should financial institutions use Instagram stories?

Back in August of 2016, Instagram released a new functionality called "stories." Similar to Snapchat, Instagram stories are only available to your followers for 24 hours. Then they are deleted from Instagram. These stories include [...]