News Archives

The benefits of voice biometrics

The benefits of voice biometrics

In 2015, Kate Hopson read a troubling statistic: One in every 500 calls will be a fraudulent attempt by 2016. For the contact center manager at Virginia Credit Union ($3.6B, Richmond, VA), the number [...]

CUNA continues push for BCFP guidance on S. 2155 provisions

CUNA applauds NCUA’s timely implementation of provisions in the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act (S. 2155) and continues to await fulfillment of several provisions by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. [...]

NAFCU to FCC: Clear up TCPA uncertainty for CUs

NAFCU to FCC: Clear up TCPA uncertainty for CUs

NAFCU asked the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to clear up confusion surrounding the definition of an automatic telephone dialing system (ATDS) in light of recent court decisions so credit unions can contact their members without [...]

Florence: First hand disaster recovery

Florence: First hand disaster recovery

As natural disasters have seemingly ramped up in frequency and scale over the last few decades, disaster recovery is on the mind of most credit union executives. Unfortunately, for some, disaster recovery planning never materializes [...]

Knowledge is power

Knowledge is power

During my recent presentation at Trellance’s Payments Academy, I spoke about the importance of embracing thought leadership in building a personal brand. I challenged the attendees to ask themselves, “What do I want to [...]

HR Answers: Conquering challenges with document management

HR Answers: Conquering challenges with document management

Human resources managers are playing a growing role within business expansion; more than ever, they are expected to weigh-in on company decisions with executive teams, engage in strategic planning and foster employee wellness in a [...]

Bankers get it wrong on CU compensation

Bankers get it wrong on CU compensation

Bankers increasingly are attacking credit unions, and one of their latest strategies is to publish what they claim is “excessive” CEO compensation at individual institutions. A 2017 op-ed criticized credit unions for paying employees “more [...]

Here’s what one new study has found

Here’s what one new study has found

Credit unions and banks are moving in different directions when it comes to service charges on deposits, a new report reveals–and it may be costing credit unions when it comes to Millennials. Credit unions’ [...]

Facebook group vs page: For credit union marketers

Facebook group vs page: For credit union marketers

Many credit union marketers have difficulty telling the difference between a Facebook group and a Facebook page. Is there a tradeoff between using a Facebook group vs page? How are they different and which way [...]

One foot in the future

One foot in the future

One of my professors used to say, “You’ve got to have one foot in the present, and one foot in the future.” As a CEO, this statement couldn’t be more relevant in today’[...]

Digital banking transformation: Where should you start?

Digital banking transformation: Where should you start?

Bank and credit union executives are getting bombarded daily with messages warning of the demise of the banking industry as we know it if major actions aren’t taken immediately. From replacing legacy operations systems [...]

A curated learning site is like salad

A curated learning site is like salad

Every day, millions of Internet users log onto websites like Facebook and YouTube. While on these sites, they spend hours upon hours surfing for content to entertain and feed their hunger for information. These sites [...]

CUNA engaged with S. 2155, money laundering hearings this week

CUNA engaged with S. 2155, money laundering hearings this week

CUNA will be engaged with a hearing on the implementation of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act (S. 2155) this week, in addition to other activities on Capitol Hill this week. NCUA [...]