News Archives

The secret to great marketing

The secret to great marketing

Hi, my name is Amanda and I am a credit union junkie.  “Hi, Amanda!” I believe that credit unions have the best brand story and the best value proposition of any industry.  According to this [...]

Banking on experience

Banking on experience

Would you bank with Amazon? New research from Fiserv finds consumers are significantly more comfortable with the idea of using technology companies to make financial transactions than ever before. As the potential for disruption grows, [...]

Unlock the data in your reports

Unlock the data in your reports

There is lots of buzz about big data and data analytics, but all the data in the world does no good unless it’s being used. Credit unions are behind retail and online companies in [...]

D.C. publications cover CUNA mid-term support for candidates

D.C. publications cover CUNA mid-term support for candidates

CUNA support for credit union-friendly candidates in this year’s mid-term election was covered by two Washington, D.C. publications Wednesday. CUNA announced several independent expenditures Wednesday, which follows a similar announcement several weeks ago, [...]

Exam cycles, cost-saving efforts discussed during NCUA budget briefing

Exam cycles, cost-saving efforts discussed during NCUA budget briefing

NAFCU Board of Directors Chair Jeanne Kucey, during testimony yesterday on the NCUA's proposed budgets for 2019 and 2020, reiterated NAFCU's recommendation of expanding eligibility for an extended 18-month exam cycle for all well-run, low [...]