News Archives

International mentorship

International mentorship

As credit unions throughout the world celebrate International Credit Union Day® on Oct. 18, the global spirit of the event reminds us that a common bond exists among financial cooperatives. No matter what country they [...]

Fraudsters turn to synthetic identity theft

Fraudsters turn to synthetic identity theft

Fraudsters are nothing if not resourceful. But gone are the days of dumpster diving for credit card carbon papers—as is the relative ease of fabricating new plastic with stolen account numbers, which is no [...]

This ICU Day, let’s aim for engagement!

This ICU Day, let’s aim for engagement!

I’m a huge fan of the credit union mission and all it contributes to our communities. You’d know that if you’ve read more than a few lines of any previous post. Of [...]

Six tips for managing card fraud exposure

Six tips for managing card fraud exposure

During a recent webinar on fraud, attendants were asked what kind of fraud they were experiencing the most in 2018. Of those who responded, 82% stated that card fraud was the #1 type of fraud [...]

Do you have a journey map or a journey dart board?

Do you have a journey map or a journey dart board?

One of the most talked about trends in financial services today is journey mapping. The term is commonly used to reference what it’s like—from beginning to end—for the consumer to “experience” doing [...]

Back to Basics: Businesses and field of membership

Back to Basics: Businesses and field of membership

Last week, our compliance team hosted compliance professionals from across the country in San Antonio for our Compliance School and Compliance Seminar. It was a busy but very successful week. Congratulations to all the new [...]

Donovan thanks NCUA for RBC work, says additional work needed

Donovan thanks NCUA for RBC work, says additional work needed

The NCUA board deserves thanks for its work on risk-based capital, but more work is needed, CUNA Chief Advocacy Officer Ryan Donovan wrote in Credit Union Times Tuesday. The board is scheduled to vote on [...]

Bureau says UDAAP clarity is coming

Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (previously the CFPB) Acting Director Mick Mulvaney said the bureau is working on a rulemaking to better clarify its definition of unfair, deceptive or abusive acts or practices (UDAAP). NAFCU [...]

The stories we don’t tell

The stories we don’t tell

One of the better known rules of marketing in our era of social media is to highlight lots of success stories and testimonials. It is easy to understand why. We believe in the work we [...]