News Archives

A strategy to score swipes and savings

A strategy to score swipes and savings

A year-old debit swipe and savings plan at Community First Credit Union of Florida($1.6B, Jacksonville, FL) offers financial wellness for members and additional income for its own bottom line. The north Florida credit [...]

Compliance: Complete coverage of CUNA/NASCUS BSA Conference

Compliance: Complete coverage of CUNA/NASCUS BSA Conference

CUNA, in conjunction with the National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors (NASCUS), conducted its annual Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) Certification Conference in Louisville, Ky. last week. The conference provided the 293 attendees with the [...]

This week: NAFCU advocacy underway as Congress returns

This week: NAFCU advocacy underway as Congress returns

The House and Senate return to session this week following the midterm elections and have a number of items to address during the lame duck session. NAFCU's award-winning advocacy team will be on Capitol Hill [...]

How to perform effective—and compliant—credit checks

How to perform effective—and compliant—credit checks

Over the last few years, lenders have noted an increase of individuals applying for lines of credit. The influx of credit applications has put a demand on lenders to review higher volumes of applications in [...]

From CUSO to international enterprise

From CUSO to international enterprise

Among the many outcomes that may result from credit unions investing in CUSOs, Passageways’ recent evolution adds “international corporate incubator” to that list. The partnership between the employee intranet and board portal developer and Purdue [...]

Honor thy workplace superheroes

Honor thy workplace superheroes

I just read Credit Union Magazine’s annual Credit Union Rock Star issue (sponsored by Fiserv, as it so happens). It’s dedicated to those unique, innovative people who excel in their areas of expertise—[...]

Five things to know about digital disbursements

Five things to know about digital disbursements

Despite the emergence of innovative payment platforms and technology providers, more than a third of business-to-consumer disbursement payments are still made by check. That can be an expensive and slow process, especially when there's a [...]

Data explosion could burn credit unions

Data explosion could burn credit unions

Financial institutions could accumulate “nine times more unstructured data than structured data by about 2020.” Applications for accounts and loans continue to require more verification than ever before, requiring hundreds or even thousands of data [...]

6 ways to tell if you’re a great boss

6 ways to tell if you’re a great boss

Here's an interesting finding from a recent survey: "58 percent of workers say that they'd stay at jobs with lower salaries if that meant working for a great boss." This statistic, resulting from a survey [...]

3 ways credit unions can help veterans

3 ways credit unions can help veterans

Veterans Day is a time of year many Americans ask how they can help recognize those who currently serve and have served our country. Veterans live in every community across the United States, and it’[...]

CUNA’s Nussle, Donovan, Gose talk post-election picture for CUs

CUNA’s Nussle, Donovan, Gose talk post-election picture for CUs

Credit unions are well positioned after Tuesday’s election into the 116th Congress, CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle said during CUNA’s post-election webinar Thursday. Nussle was joined by Chief Advocacy Officer Ryan Donovan and [...]