News Archives

Getting to know you, all about you

Getting to know you, all about you

Digitally connected people expect their days to go something like this: Put on an outfit handpicked by Stitch Fix based on preferences, body type and budget. Order a few household necessities from Amazon, recommended from [...]

Better together: Recent FAQs on mergers

Better together: Recent FAQs on mergers

Greetings Compliance Friends! Following NCUA’s final rule on voluntary mergers earlier this year (covered in a previous NAFCU Blog), the NAFCU Compliance Team has received a number of merger-related questions on a variety of [...]

Re-engaging the unengaged customer

Re-engaging the unengaged customer

Are your customers engaged? It’s a question many in the financial industry are asking themselves lately. In the age of fintech disruption, it’s more important than ever for financial institutions to reach out [...]

Money making November moves

Money making November moves

As you are juggle finding just the right gifts and planning the perfect holiday get together, there is one more item that should be on your to-do list…your finances. According to, this [...]

Building lending opportunities through ITIN

Building lending opportunities through ITIN

A credit union’s income is largely driven by its loan portfolio, and there is a unique opportunity for even greater loan growth available to institutions willing to go the extra mile in serving immigrant [...]

Data is powerful, but not a ‘silver bullet’

Data is powerful, but not a ‘silver bullet’

If you’re a typical bank or credit union, you’re facing more competition than you’ve ever seen before. However, because the industry is enjoying some of the most profitable years in the history [...]

CUSO funding follows function

CUSO funding follows function

How credit union service organizations structure and seek funding begins with the type of relationship they intend to form with their client owners and investors, says Guy Messick, partner with Messick Lauer & Smith, Media, [...]

Seeing the value

Seeing the value

The time has come again—time to launch that new promotion. You’ve put on your best creative hat, scheduled the meetings, and now hope the brainstorming sessions yield some unique ideas. It could be [...]