News Archives

Credit unions jump on the FI-FinTech collaboration train

Credit unions jump on the FI-FinTech collaboration train

One of the biggest ways FinTech firms have been able to gain a competitive edge on traditional banks, for small business (SMB) customers, is through relationship-building. Banks are shuttering their physical branch locations at the [...]

How to save up to 15% on employee healthcare costs

How to save up to 15% on employee healthcare costs

Running a small businesses can be tough. Between staffing, compliance, policy creation, managing payroll, financial reports, and the 2,000 other things you have on your plate, sometimes the time you have “left over” (if [...]

Senate to vote on Kraninger for BCFP director Thursday

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced the Senate will vote Thursday on the nomination of Kathy Kraninger to lead the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. Kraninger was nominated to replace Acting Director Mick Mulvaney, [...]

Leaders: What to say…

Leaders: What to say…

Everyone in a leadership position wants to be a good leader. In order to be the leader that your team needs, you need to connect with them both personally and professionally. Here are some things [...]