News Archives

NCUA files new lawsuit against U.S. Bank & BOA

NCUA files new lawsuit against U.S. Bank & BOA

In a new lawsuit, the NCUA claimed U.S. Bank and Bank of America unlawfully withdrew money from residential mortgage-backed securities trust funds to pay for their legal costs from court cases following the subprime [...]

Can you send us a W-9?

Can you send us a W-9?

This week, NAFCU heard from many credit unions who received a letter from Progressive Insurance asking the credit union to fill out and return an IRS Form W-9. Many credit unions have asked us why [...]

CUNA: CECL ‘inappropriate’ for CUs, future relief needed

CUNA: CECL ‘inappropriate’ for CUs, future relief needed

Application of the current expected credit losses (CECL) standard to credit unions continues to be inappropriate, CUNA wrote to the House Financial Services subcommittee on financial institutions and consumer credit Tuesday. The subcommittee conducted a [...]

Kraninger starts as director of bureau; NAFCU delivers priorities

In a hand-delivered letter Tuesday – new Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Director Kathy Kraninger's first day of the job – NAFCU's Dan Berger outlined credit unions' top tenets and priorities along with a more detailed discussion [...]

New Year’s resolution: Take more risk

New Year’s resolution: Take more risk

Five years ago, Infinity Federal Credit Union ($349.2M, Portland, ME) was a conservative financial institution, even by the standards of a traditionally conservative industry. The credit union primarily focused on higher credit tier paper, [...]

Three examples where doing nothing is a bad idea

Three examples where doing nothing is a bad idea

Social scientists will tell you that when faced between two difficult choices, the natural inclination is to choose to do nothing. That is why, for example, umpires hate to call ball four when the count [...]