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Top ten leadership posts from 2018

Top ten leadership posts from 2018

As we look ahead to 2019, let’s take one last look back at the best from 2018. Here’s a look at the top ten leadership posts from this year… Confessions of a white [...]

A can-do attitude

A can-do attitude

Kendra Christensen will never forget the day when her father shared that he had cancer. Sitting in her parents’ dining room, she says that the conversation was a blur, but what she did know is [...]

Does your overdraft program spread joy?

Does your overdraft program spread joy?

This time of year offers up a special sort of chaos for many: lots of celebrating with friends and family, along with lots of spending in a short amount of time. Believe it or not, [...]

Do consumers love you like they love ranch dressing?

Do consumers love you like they love ranch dressing?

How much do your members or customers love you? Enough to decorate their house with your logo? Hidden Valley – a salad dressing company credited with making ranch dressing a household condiment – made headlines recently by [...]

Improve your leadership with a year-end checklist

Improve your leadership with a year-end checklist

In order to grow and be successful, we must learn from the past. Reflection on past events, decisions, achievements and failures allows us to improve ourselves and move to where we want to go. And [...]

New Year’s resolution: Find your true north

New Year’s resolution: Find your true north

Several years of working with credit unions in conservatorship has honed the enterprise-assessment skills of Jane Dobbs, CEO of Canyon State Credit Union($196.9M, Phoenix, AZ). Through the challenging work, the leader has developed [...]

House passes bill w/ CUNA-backed UBIT repeal

House passes bill w/ CUNA-backed UBIT repeal

The House passed the Retirement, Savings, and Other Tax Relief Act (H.R. 88) Thursday, a bill that makes a CUNA-backed change to Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT). H.R. 88 contains a provision that [...]