News Archives

The biggest goal for 2019

The biggest goal for 2019

Last year at this time, I was expecting 2018 to be the year that I started reading more. So, I stacked the odds in my favor by ordering several books from Amazon—some for enjoyment, [...]

Phillips, Honda pair on in-car gas payments

Phillips, Honda pair on in-car gas payments

Phillips 66 has announced a partnership with Honda Developer Studio on an in-vehicle fuel payment integration service that enables Honda vehicle owners to reserve a pump and pay for fuel at Phillips 66, 76 and [...]

CUs make impact during swearing-in day for 116th Congress

CUs make impact during swearing-in day for 116th Congress

The 116th Congress officially took office at noon Thursday, and CUNA, credit unions and leagues spent the hours before and after making their presence felt on Capitol Hill, greeting over 80 new and returning members [...]

NAFCU blitzes Hill, talks CU issues with lawmakers

NAFCU blitzes Hill, talks CU issues with lawmakers

NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger, other senior staff and association members were on Capitol Hill yesterday for the opening of the 116th Congress to welcome new and returning legislators as they were sworn in. [...]

Trends emerge from 2018 successes

Trends emerge from 2018 successes

This past year Coopera has had the opportunity to help multiple credit unions better serve their Hispanic constituents. We learned a lot in 2018, and we’re happy to see that both the credit unions [...]

Kick your outsourced collections machine into overdrive

Kick your outsourced collections machine into overdrive

If your financial institution works with a third-party vendor for your collections efforts, you know how important it is to ensure your partners perform at an optimal level. The vetting and on-boarding process alone can [...]

Quick wins

Quick wins

The clichés above, we’ve all heard them. They are the sayings that make us drop a token in the slot machine or roll the dice at the craps table while attending an industry [...]