News Archives

How to balance risk and reward in 2019

How to balance risk and reward in 2019

Credit unions are in the financial services business. They’re also in the member service business. The confluence of these two means credit unions are in the risk business. But that’s not necessarily a [...]

Gov’t shutdown stops SBA loan approvals

Gov’t shutdown stops SBA loan approvals

As consequences of the almost three-week partial government shutdown continue to come to light, the lack of loan approvals from the Small Business Administration (SBA) is creating problems for consumers and lenders that use the [...]

8 trends that will reshape the fintech landscape in 2019

8 trends that will reshape the fintech landscape in 2019

With the world becoming one enormous marketplace, we have seen a constant change in how businesses take place. This has been further fueled by new technologies and rapidly evolving customer expectations. Even the highly regulated [...]

5 ways to increase account holder loyalty in 2019

5 ways to increase account holder loyalty in 2019

As you close the books on 2018, it’s time to hit the restart button and look forward to the year ahead. Hopefully, part of that vision includes ways to more fully engage your account [...]

How to capitalize on member intelligence

How to capitalize on member intelligence

The role of member intelligence in deepening relationships and propelling growth is dominating conversations and to-do lists at credit unions of all sizes across the United States. Gleaning actionable insight from vast stores of transactional, [...]