News Archives

Training matters. High-impact training matters more.

Training matters. High-impact training matters more.

The right training unifies a credit union: employee-to-employee and branch-to-branch, enhancing member experiences at every level. But, not all training is equal in quality and effectiveness. What credit unions should consider is training that gains [...]

How financial marketers can bridge the ‘digital trust gap’

How financial marketers can bridge the ‘digital trust gap’

In the digital era, every consumer navigates their own individualized buying journey using multiple channels to interact with various financial brands. Typically, they conduct a ton of research on their own before they are ready [...]

Payments at the point of thought

Payments at the point of thought

When Patrick Howard discusses people's expectations for how, when and where they pay their bills and engage with companies, he repeatedly invokes one word: choice. Consumers face daily time constraints, so they want convenience, speed [...]

6 ways to be a better leader

6 ways to be a better leader

Servant leadership is something I've written about before. Those who practice this type of leadership know how unique it is – you're gaining trust and loyalty by investing in the personal and professional well-being of your [...]

CUNA looks to future engagement as CFPB releases rule assessments

CUNA looks to future engagement as CFPB releases rule assessments

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released assessment reports on its Ability-to-Repay/Qualified Mortgage (ATR/QM) and mortgage servicing rules Thursday. The Dodd-Frank Act required the bureau to assess the impact of both rules. The ATR/[...]

NAFCU estimates up to $150M in SIF distributions

NAFCU estimates up to $150M in SIF distributions

NAFCU's award-winning research team has released an updated analysis of the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). Based on its forecast through the end of 2018, NAFCU believes the fund will finish the year [...]

PODCAST: YPs must advocate for themselves

PODCAST: YPs must advocate for themselves

Instead of sitting on the sidelines and waiting for change to happen, young professionals need to advocate on their own behalf. In the process, they’ll develop the skills they need to become the future [...]

How is digital growth and transformation vital to my credit union?

How is digital growth and transformation vital to my credit union?

The traditional brick and mortar model has worked well for credit unions over the years. So long as they continue to deliver superior member experiences, that won’t change anytime soon. However, as more financial [...]

Fed study shows trends in debit interchange

Fed study shows trends in debit interchange

The Fed released its latest update on debit card interchange, and it showed very subtle but very telling trends for financial institutions with less than $10 billion in assets – a category called “exempt”, which includes [...]