News Archives

World class

World class

Every once in a while, I read something that stops me in my tracks. That happened to me last week. My friend John Spence sent me an article (Entrepreneur) that I forwarded to my colleagues [...]

To grow deposits, build on the onboarding experience

To grow deposits, build on the onboarding experience

Financial institutions across the U.S. have seen deposits stagnating or diminishing. The problem this poses to financial institutions is obvious. The solution to that problem? Not so obvious. Sometimes your best opportunities to improve [...]

5 tips for effective goal setting

5 tips for effective goal setting

Like many, my organization uses the month of January for individual reviews – both to evaluate the previous year's progress and set new goals for the next 12 months. Prior to the individual reviews, we go [...]

CUs expand offerings to gov’t workers as policymakers take note

CUs expand offerings to gov’t workers as policymakers take note

Legislators around the country continue to send furloughed federal workers to local credit unions for financial assistance as the government shutdown continues. Kevin Hassett, President Donald Trump’s chief economic adviser said on Fox Business [...]