News Archives

7 feedback pitfalls

7 feedback pitfalls

Feedback is necessary for growth and development. Without it, how do we know what we're doing well or what we can improve on? As a leader in your organization, being able to effectively communicate your [...]

The cost of building a data warehouse for an analytics platform

The cost of building a data warehouse for an analytics platform

Credit unions can benefit greatly from collecting and storing information to leverage Big Data. The cost of building a data warehouse can be steep, though. If you’re considering building a data warehouse for your [...]

Five steps for effective messaging

Five steps for effective messaging

“The problem in life is that we keep missing each other.” In hindsight, my college literature professor’s words—spoken well before social media, smart phones, text messages, email, the internet, and cell phones—were [...]

Lawmakers seek multiple routes to fund government

Lawmakers seek multiple routes to fund government

The House and Senate are pursuing various options to end the partial government shutdown that is now in its 34th day. Credit unions around the country have stepped up to support members whose pay has [...]

Scoring our predictions for 2018 – a look-back

Scoring our predictions for 2018 – a look-back

In keeping with the tradition started two years ago, where we score how well the Trellance team did on the previous year’s predictions, below is our report card for our 2018 predictions. For a [...]