News Archives

CUs need to be included in the FHFA’s proposed small member goal

CUs need to be included in the FHFA’s proposed small member goal

CUNA wrote to the Federal Housing Finance Administration (FHFA) Tuesday opposing its proposed Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) affordable housing goals regulations because they specifically exclude credit unions from being eligible to participate in the [...]

White House to work with Congress on housing finance reform

White House to work with Congress on housing finance reform

The White House will work with Congress to reform the nation's housing finance system and government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), according to reports from the Wall Street Journal. NAFCU has urged the Trump administration and Congress to [...]

Waters, McHenry appoint Financial Services Subcommittee members

The House Financial Services Committee Wednesday approved a plan to reorganize subcommittees—abolishing one, establishing another and renaming several. The panel also approved the appointment of subcommittee members. While the renaming of subcommittees is often [...]

Seven strategies to improve employee experiences

Seven strategies to improve employee experiences

In today’s tight labor market financial institutions are waging a war for both front and back of house staff. Creating great customer experiences starts with motivated and passionate employees both in the branch and [...]