News Archives

CFPB proposes changes to payday rule, per CUNA request

CFPB proposes changes to payday rule, per CUNA request

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released proposed rules making changes to its short-term, small-dollar lending rule Wednesday. CUNA has called on the CFPB to revise its rule to ensure credit unions are able to continue [...]

U.S. restaurant chain hit by 1.5-year data breach

U.S. restaurant chain hit by 1.5-year data breach

Huddle House has notified consumers of a breach to its point-of-sale (POS) system, which likely impacted 341 locations between August 2017 and Feb. 1. The company said that malware was installed on POS systems to [...]

House committee to hold hearing on marijuana banking

House committee to hold hearing on marijuana banking

The House Consumer Protection and Financial Institutions Subcommittee next week will hold a hearing on the thorny issue of banking access for those engaged in marijuana-related business. The hearing is scheduled for Feb. 13 at [...]

Forgot your password? Most people do

Forgot your password? Most people do

Passwords are as consequential to our everyday lives as car keys. If we want to go anywhere, we need them. And losing or forgetting them can derail an entire day. Most people require only one [...]

Cloud readiness strategies for credit unions

Cloud readiness strategies for credit unions

Getting ready for things isn’t always easy. Honestly, some mornings I lie awake in bed and sigh audibly for 20 minutes just because I don’t want to get ready for work. Nevertheless, I [...]

4 factors to watch for this homebuying season

4 factors to watch for this homebuying season

Homes for sale sat on the market for only 54 days in June 2018 — an all-time low according to data and analysis from For lenders hoping to recapture that lightning in a jar, [...]

Tidying up your credit union

Tidying up your credit union

There are two ways to clean a garage. One, you can cherry pick what no longer has value and discard it. Two, and my personal favorite, is to drag everything out into the driveway and [...]

Nussle calls on NCUA to increase CECL prep efforts for CUs

Nussle calls on NCUA to increase CECL prep efforts for CUs

CUNA called on NCUA to do more to prepare credit unions for the current expected credit loss (CECL) standard in a letter to Chair J. Mark McWatters sent Tuesday. The letter echoes CUNA’s request [...]

January vehicle sales slowed by gov’t shutdown

January vehicle sales slowed by gov’t shutdown

Total vehicle sales decreased to a rate of 16.7 million annualized units in January. NAFCU Chief Economist and Vice President of Research Curt Long attributed the loss to the lasting effects of the government [...]