News Archives

Beware of rising tax scams!

Beware of rising tax scams!

The 2019 tax season is upon us, and with it comes an increase in identity theft resulting from tax scams. In a typical tax scam, the fraudster reaches out to the victim disguised as an [...]

CUNA witness to testify on serving legal cannabis businesses

CUNA witness to testify on serving legal cannabis businesses

Rachel Pross, chief risk officer at MAPS CU, Salem, Ore., will testify on CUNA’s behalf at a House Financial Services Committee hearing Wednesday. Pross will testify before the House Financial Services  subcommittee on consumer [...]

NCUA, FHFA nomination hearings expected next week

NCUA, FHFA nomination hearings expected next week

The Senate Banking Committee announced its plans to hold nomination hearings for key posts at the NCUA and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) next week. Scheduled for Feb. 14, the hearing will consider nominees [...]

Assisting members with Medicare enrollment

Assisting members with Medicare enrollment

With 20,000 of its members reaching age 64½ this year, $2.9 billion SAFE Credit Union has introduced free Medicare consultations to help them choose the right plans and supplemental insurance. “We’ve heard [...]

Managers commit 85% of embezzlement cases, survey finds

Managers commit 85% of embezzlement cases, survey finds

Eighty-five percent of embezzlement cases were committed by someone at the managerial level or higher, according to a new survey of chief financial officers, controllers and accountants commissioned by Hiscox, a specialist insurance company based [...]

As banks grow, so does their hypocrisy

As banks grow, so does their hypocrisy

Bankers have been taking their claws out lately when it comes to credit unions. In addition to the usual attacks on the credit union tax status, they loudly protested the latest emergency merger, despite that [...]

11 questions to gauge your EQ

11 questions to gauge your EQ

Having emotional intelligence (EQ) is important for development and success – both personally and professionally. But before we can put it into practice, it's important to be aware of where your EQ stands. Marcel Schwantes, principal [...]

Reasons why you need a data warehouse strategy – Part 1

Reasons why you need a data warehouse strategy – Part 1

So, you can now breathe a little easier, just a little, with the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) officially delaying Current Expected Credit Loss (“CECL”) implementation to fiscal years beginning after December 2021. Basically, the [...]

Habits define our destiny

Habits define our destiny

It’s a brand, new year. We’ve closed out 2018 and developed our 2019 Strategic Plan, defining the “what” we plan to accomplish.  But what if we nailed our strategic plan, but fail to [...]