News Archives

Graphics and video trump the written word

Graphics and video trump the written word

I read an interesting statistic recently about the power of visual marketing. According to, if we hear or read information, we only remember 10% of it three days later. If we add a [...]

The danger of anchoring

The danger of anchoring

I'm in the middle of a great book: The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds.  It is a wicked good read. It discusses two Israeli psychologists who dove into how people make decisions. [...]

6 ways to reduce friction in the member experience

6 ways to reduce friction in the member experience

The introduction of new technology in the world of financial services is both a boon and a bust for the user experience. Digital channels allow members to conduct transactions, research new products and services, and [...]

Will ‘open banking’ sizzle or fizzle in the U.S.?

Will ‘open banking’ sizzle or fizzle in the U.S.?

Open banking allows third-party developers to build applications and services that plug into the technology backbone of a traditional financial institution. Using open-source technology and APIs, third-parties can build new financial tools leveraging private customer [...]

Five focus points to make 2019 a cybersecurity success

Five focus points to make 2019 a cybersecurity success

Cybersecurity is always a hot topic, especially in the financial services industry. And while malicious hackers continue to find new avenues to access your data, security experts are working hard to craft even more resilient [...]

NAFCU seeks insight on NCUA audit requirements

NAFCU seeks insight on NCUA audit requirements

As the NCUA works to simplify supervisory committee audit requirements, NAFCU is requesting members' feedback on how the proposed rule would affect credit unions. The association would also like to know if credit unions think [...]

Credit unions support America Saves Week

Credit unions support America Saves Week

Credit unions are among the diverse nonprofit, government, academic, and business groupsto encourage and support Americans’ efforts to save during America Saves Week, Feb. 25-March 2. Held in conjunction with Military Saves Week, America Saves [...]

What does “sustainable business” mean to credit unions?

What does “sustainable business” mean to credit unions?

The word “sustainable” generates different images for different people. For some, it’s the responsible use of natural resources. For others, it’s using green building materials or perhaps employing responsible agriculture. According to the [...]