News Archives

Member data and the merger effect

Member data and the merger effect

There are a lot of considerations for any organization going through a merger. It takes cooperation and patience to combine cultures, assets and staff during a merger, but for credit unions, the effect on members [...]

And the main killer of marketing success is…

And the main killer of marketing success is…

Picture this: It’s a warm summer afternoon in your hometown. Two brothers return from the playground to find both their parents had run to the store. Locked out of their home, they did what [...]

Five ways to prepare for the coming recession

Five ways to prepare for the coming recession

I’m an optimist—even in the midst of challenging times I do my best to stay positive. However, there is a looming negative cloud on the horizon we in financial services must address: the [...]

A Year in Review: State of the (DE) Union

A Year in Review: State of the (DE) Union

It’s been a year since I came aboard the National Credit Union Foundation to lead the DE program. I’ve never been happier (or busier!) as I’ve worked to put DE and our [...]

Don’t worry, be appy

Don’t worry, be appy

Towards the end of 2018, Android users were able to choose among 2.1 million apps. At the same time, Apple's App Store remained the second-largest app store with almost 2 million available apps. That’[...]

Senators to examine data breaches; NAFCU keeps up call for national standard

Senators to examine data breaches; NAFCU keeps up call for national standard

The Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations will examine private sector data breaches during a hearing Thursday. Representatives from Equifax and Marriott International – both of which experienced data breaches that exposed [...]

A strategy to help members magnify their money

A strategy to help members magnify their money

Wright-Patt Credit Union ($4.4B, Beavercreek, OH) has undertaken an aggressive, comprehensive initiative to boost the financial wellness of its members and people who the big Ohio credit union would like to make members. Called [...]

Using data to create a unique member experience

Using data to create a unique member experience

Enhancing member experience has been the subject of many blogs and white papers and, there is a reason why this topic is so popular. In fact, there are three good reasons why this topic is [...]

Incident response starts with executive management

Incident response starts with executive management

It’s easy to assume the roles and responsibilities of executive management from a traditional perspective. We know that solid mobilization of an entire organization depends on the vision and strategy put in place by [...]