News Archives

How to ace the ACET

How to ace the ACET

The NCUA is now using its own version of the cybersecurity exam required of all financial institutions, and the homework for credit unions ahead of examiner visits can be a doozy. Called the Automated Cybersecurity [...]

Now is a good time to prepare for a recession

Now is a good time to prepare for a recession

The news is full of predictions that a recession is coming. The truth is that a recession is always coming–eventually. Whether you believe it’s imminent or more distant, it’s important to think [...]

Make your marketing memorable

Make your marketing memorable

You spend thousands and thousands of dollars to promote your financial institution every year. So does every other financial institution in your market. How does your marketing make an impact and stand out among the [...]

3 investing myths debunked

3 investing myths debunked

If you aren’t investing, you are missing out on the opportunity to grow your wealth. The wealthiest people share the mindset of  having their money work harder than they do. The key to truly [...]

Berger calls on Congress to better regulate fintech in op-ed

Berger calls on Congress to better regulate fintech in op-ed

In an op-ed published in American Banker, NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger called on lawmakers to ensure fintech firms are subject to the same data security and consumer protection standards as credit unions. "While [...]

Leadership lessons from the White House

Leadership lessons from the White House

Prior to beginning their Hill hikes, Dana Perino offered a key piece of advice to attendees at the CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference Wednesday. Remember that stories are powerful. “Who are the members you represent and [...]

Lessons from a YMC failure

Lessons from a YMC failure

Processes — the word provokes anxiety in abstract thinkers while inciting joyous glee in their analytical counterparts. But one thing is for certain, love them or hate them, processes are a necessary part of every business [...]

Tech-support top fraud issue reported by older adults

Tech-support top fraud issue reported by older adults

Last week the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced the largest coordinated sweep of elder fraud cases in history.  More than two million Americans, largely seniors, were victimized by more than 260 defendants from [...]