News Archives

CUs fill social media with #CUDifference hashtag during Hill visits

CUs fill social media with #CUDifference hashtag during Hill visits

Credit unions wrapped up another successful, record-breaking CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference Thursday with the last of their visits to Capitol Hill. During the week credit union advocates visited with every Congressional office to tell stories [...]

Hood, Harper confirmed to NCUA Board

Hood, Harper confirmed to NCUA Board

The Senate yesterday approved the nominations of Rodney Hood and Todd Harper to serve on the NCUA Board; they were cleared by voice vote. "NAFCU congratulates Rodney Hood and Todd Harper on being confirmed to [...]

What is the perfect payments experience?

What is the perfect payments experience?

Here’s an exercise that may come off as too academic – like a debate over how many angels fit on a pinhead – but is really among the most vital for not only PYMNTS readers, but [...]

3 ways to develop internal talent

3 ways to develop internal talent

Bringing a new employee on board is a big investment, not only from a salary and benefits perspective, but also the time commitment to train them and get them up to speed on their responsibilities [...]

CU 2.0 Fintech Friday: CU Student Choice

CU 2.0 Fintech Friday: CU Student Choice

It’s CU 2.0 Fintech Friday! Today, Chris Otey sits down with CU Student Choice to discuss all things credit union, fintech, and digital innovation. CU Student Choice works with credit unions to provide [...]

5,200-plus CU leaders visit Capitol Hill on behalf of members

5,200-plus CU leaders visit Capitol Hill on behalf of members

Credit unions could be spotted in every single Congressional building on Capitol Hill Wednesday as more than 5,200 credit union leaders visited with elected officials to tell stories about the credit union difference. The [...]

New housing bill a mixed bag for credit unions

Yesterday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., released a modified version of her comprehensive housing reform bill, the American Housing and Economic Mobility Act of 2019. While the updated legislation would not subject credit unions to Community [...]