News Archives

Good Governance: Advice from my hero

Good Governance: Advice from my hero

There’s nothing like meeting your hero. For some, that might equate to a football player or a musician or maybe a politician—a well-known celebrity type, whose mere physical presence is immediately recognized by [...]

Social media: How to deal with complaints

Social media: How to deal with complaints

Most people who complain via social media simply want validation of their experience, says Andrea Parrish, digital marketing assistant manager for STCU in Spokane, Wash. Providing that validation can turn a negative interaction into something [...]

6 ways credit unions can slay their digital demons

6 ways credit unions can slay their digital demons

Financial institutions face so many demands for change, that sometimes sitting back and waiting for it all to sort itself out is tempting, especially when profits and return on assets are strong. That’s a [...]

How to create a forward-thinking digital strategy

How to create a forward-thinking digital strategy

In modern years, pioneering businesses have used a range of digital tools, established new business models and delighted their members with higher quality products, lower prices, and frictionless experiences. This wave of technology-fueled disruption has [...]

Proof that diversity is not enough

Proof that diversity is not enough

For some time now, I have wanted to write an article about standing with the middle-aged white man; about understanding the accidental forms of discrimination and subjugation of women: Those men who will not “speak [...]

Helping young members picture a brighter future

Helping young members picture a brighter future

In the wake of the longest government shutdown in United States History, 2019 has already seen its share of financial difficulties. Credit unions around the country are doing important work to support their members through [...]

Compliance: CFPB releases Elder Financial Exploitation report

Compliance: CFPB releases Elder Financial Exploitation report

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released a new Elder Financial Exploitation (EFE) report this month, based on data obtained from Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) filed between 2013 and 2017. The CFPB will conduct a [...]

Webinar: Advancing women leaders in the CU industry

Webinar: Advancing women leaders in the CU industry

NAFCU is offering a webinar April 4 to help further the role of women leaders in the credit union system. By reviewing the challenges that face women leaders, attendees will identify ways to address these [...]

Underserved areas can include young, prime members

Underserved areas can include young, prime members

Multiple common bond credit unions have a huge opportunity to grow through adding underserved communities to their fields of membership while also fulfilling their mission. “Underserved community” typically calls up in our minds images of [...]