News Archives

NAFCU meets with key decision makers on housing finance reform

NAFCU meets with key decision makers on housing finance reform

NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger and other NAFCU leaders are following yesterday's meeting with Treasury Department Counselor Craig Phillips with one today with Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Acting Director Joseph Otting, again focused [...]

Create a culture that rocks

Create a culture that rocks

Most people think the culture at their companies is satisfactory. “But they need a good swift kick to amp it up,” says Jim Knight, business culture catalyst and former head of training and development for [...]

Safeguard your revenue, relationships and reputation

Safeguard your revenue, relationships and reputation

As expectations for faster, more convenient financial services continue to grow, focusing on technology and innovation has become increasingly more critical to address consumer demand. But, as you focus more of their time and efforts [...]

Millennial Generation: Overhyped or just right?

Millennial Generation: Overhyped or just right?

Millennials. Millennials, Millennials, Millennials. Oh, did I forget to mention, Millennials? There they are, seemingly in every news story expose about politics, economics, social media, you name it. If there’s anything the Millennial Generation [...]

With change comes opportunity

With change comes opportunity

Having just returned from CUNA’s GAC, I’m feeling energized and excited about the opportunities ahead for the credit union movement. The numbers speak for themselves. As CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle highlighted at [...]

How CapEd FCU helps members keep cool without credit

How CapEd FCU helps members keep cool without credit

With a landscape that encapsulates deserts, mountains, farmland, and waterfalls — and more than a dozen national parks, monuments, and sites — Idaho truly is a “Gem State.” But the residents that make the state their home [...]

Big ideas and big opportunities in the Big Easy

Big ideas and big opportunities in the Big Easy

NAFCU 52nd Annual Conference and Solutions Expo New Orleans, Louisiana | June 18 – 21, 2019 This is the best conference in the industry to help today's credit union executives and board members lead their credit union [...]

Big banks sued for price-fixing GSE bonds

Big banks sued for price-fixing GSE bonds

The state of Pennsylvania is bringing a class-action lawsuit against more than a dozen of the world's biggest financial institutions for allegedly price-fixing bonds issued by government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The lawsuit [...]