News Archives

‘Un-sales’ meeting adds fun to training

‘Un-sales’ meeting adds fun to training

When introducing a new product or service, or a different approach to increasing sales, don't hold a traditional  meeting. Instead, hold an “un-sales” meeting, says Mia Perez, chief administrative officer at Louisiana Federal Credit Union [...]

Advocacy is the key to sales

Advocacy is the key to sales

Six years ago, a now $16 billion bank began to acquire nearly 75 branches in the Western U.S. from one of the nation’s largest banks. Initially, there was a lot of deposit runoff ([...]

The challenge of talent management

The challenge of talent management

Attract. Develop. Retain. Those three words are a common refrain at credit unions. As consumer expectations of retail service continue to rise, a capable, knowledgeable staff whose members also understand how their role supports the [...]

Direct banks may be good, but they’re not unbeatable

Direct banks may be good, but they’re not unbeatable

Can traditional banks and credit unions compete with higher-paying online-only direct banks? New research from J.D. Power indicates that as strong as these newcomers have been so far, they are not invulnerable. And their [...]

The Avengers Endgame opportunity for credit unions

The Avengers Endgame opportunity for credit unions

Everyone is beaming with excitement, The Avengers Endgame movie is about to hit theatres in approximately 10 days! This being said, many brands may have already thought out how they are going to position themselves [...]

Tax status allows CUs to ensure 115M members come first

Tax status allows CUs to ensure 115M members come first

The credit union difference means all 115 million credit union members come first, CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle said in a video released this morning. Speaking on the occasion of Tax Day, Nussle said those [...]

White House tells FI regulators to submit rules for review

White House tells FI regulators to submit rules for review

The White House is instructing federal banking regulators and other independent agencies to submit guidance and proposed rules to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) to determine whether it is "major" and will [...]

Minding your PAU: How 3 key metrics drive payments growth

Minding your PAU: How 3 key metrics drive payments growth

Payments drive revenue, relationships, profitability and trust. Increasingly, they are the epicenter of your relationship with members as a key driver of preferred financial institution (PFI) status. But growing your credit and debit portfolios can [...]