News Archives

CUNA contacts Sanders, AOC highlighting benefits of CU difference

CUNA contacts Sanders, AOC highlighting benefits of CU difference

The best option for consumers to access high-quality, affordable financial services are the credit unions in their communities, CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle wrote to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) [...]

NAFCU meets with NCUA Chair Hood

NAFCU meets with NCUA Chair Hood

NCUA Board Chairman Rodney Hood met with NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger at the association's headquarters Wednesday to discuss priorities for the agency. "NAFCU thanks Chairman Hood for his leadership, and for taking the [...]

CFO Focus: The Fed will be patient

CFO Focus: The Fed will be patient

The first four months of 2019 have witnessed a very sharp major central bank monetary policy reversal. Most of 2018 was represented by the theme of monetary policy normalization, or a moving away of the [...]

The digital experience is critical . . . for now

The digital experience is critical . . . for now

Today’s ultra-competitive financial services marketplace has credit unions hunting for the differentiators that will build member loyalty. Many, not surprisingly, are focusing on their digital experience. And that’s good, but it might not [...]

Open banking opens doors for credit unions

Open banking opens doors for credit unions

The future of banking is in open banking—the democratization of financial services through technology. The term “open banking” may seem lofty, but it simply allows retailers, credit unions, and members to easily and safely [...]

Proactive planning vs. reactive planning

Proactive planning vs. reactive planning

Successful relationships require proactivity. If I don’t proactively schedule time with my wife, our relationship suffers. Successful health requires proactivity. If I don’t proactively plan nourishing meals, my overall health suffers. Successful leadership [...]

Millennials for a jargon-free banking world

Millennials for a jargon-free banking world

As a Millennial employee at a financial branding and marketing agency, I see institutions constantly searching for more customers my age. There’s a great deal of targeted marketing happening: financial institutions use tactics that [...]

CUNA sets young professionals advo training for Sept. 9, 23

CUNA sets young professionals advo training for Sept. 9, 23

CUNA will conduct its third annual Young Professionals Advocacy training in September, a full-day program teaching the benefits of advocacy, how to build strong relationships with members of Congress and best practices for in-district and [...]

NAFCU brings to light CUs’ small biz support

NAFCU brings to light CUs’ small biz support

In honor of National Small Business Week, NAFCU Vice President of Legislative Affairs Brad Thaler outlined in a letter to Capitol Hill yesterday the vital services and resources credit unions offer their member small businesses. "[...]