News Archives

Business intelligence: What is your ‘why?’

Business intelligence: What is your ‘why?’

Building a business intelligence (BI) program starts with one question: Why? “Too many people are affected by ‘shiny object syndrome,’” where they’re distracted by the latest new tool, says Anne Legg, director of market/[...]

3 ways to use data to validate strategy

3 ways to use data to validate strategy

The intersection between strategy and performance can be difficult to maneuver for many credit unions. A strategic plan is often the culmination of months of discussion and work that encompasses a range of factors and [...]

Lending compensation rules; NAFCU seeking comments!

Lending compensation rules; NAFCU seeking comments!

Over the last few weeks, the NAFCU Compliance team has received several questions about NCUA’s lending compensation rules related to senior management officials. While this blog will highlight some of NCUA’s current guidance, [...]

Claiming the Iron Throne of work-life balance

Claiming the Iron Throne of work-life balance

Nearly a decade has been dedicated to seeing who would win the Iron Throne and there were some massive roadblocks along the journey to last night’s series finale. Whether or not you agree with [...]

Succeeding in a changing market

Succeeding in a changing market

If you are anything like me, you love lists like Top 10 and others because they are easily digestible and great for immediate takeaways.  During a recent conference keynote, I gave a session on helping [...]

CUNA News Podcasts now available on Spotify

CUNA News Podcasts now available on Spotify

The popular CUNA News Podcast is now available on Spotify, putting the program on the top four podcast directories. With more than 116,000 downloads, the CUNA News Podcast has welcomed a wide range of [...]

Hood addresses CECL, NOL, loan maturity limits in House hearing

Hood addresses CECL, NOL, loan maturity limits in House hearing

NAFCU's concerns about the negative impact of the current expected credit loss (CECL) standard on credit unions – including increasing the cost of credit to consumers, constraining the amount of credit available and limiting credit unions' [...]

Taking off on a global learning experience

Taking off on a global learning experience

Sometimes the best classroom is the one that’s found on another continent. A delegation of 14 credit union representatives will spend next week in Brazil as part of theWorld Council of Credit Unions’ (WOCCU) [...]

Ex-CEO enters plea deal over $40 million theft

Ex-CEO enters plea deal over $40 million theft

The former CEO of the now-defunct C B S Employees FCU has agreed to a plea deal with federal prosecutors in which he admits to stealing more than $40 million over the past 20 years. [...]

10 questions leaders must ask themselves today

10 questions leaders must ask themselves today

Much of leadership is keeping your employees engaged, helping them grow and making sure they're fulfilled in their role and career path. But in thinking about ways to keep your team on track, do you [...]