News Archives

Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union is a marketing game changer

Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union is a marketing game changer

Credit unions have never attempted a brand-building campaign on the scale of CUNA’s Awareness initiative, writes Tim Newbrough in CUToday, adding that this effort is needed “now more than ever.” Newbrough, senior vice president [...]

How will debt collection proposal affect CUs?

How will debt collection proposal affect CUs?

As the CFPB considers a rulemaking related to third-party debt collection, NAFCU would like to know how it could impact credit unions that use third-party vendors or credit union service organizations (CUSOs) to collect debts [...]

Leaders need to get comfortable with change

Leaders need to get comfortable with change

“Nothing is as painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change,” writes Mary Shelley in the novel Frankenstein. I would argue that small and slow changes can also be troubling. But they [...]

How to get honest feedback from employees

How to get honest feedback from employees

I've written before about the importance of giving constructive feedback to your employees, but how can you ensure they're being honest in their feedback to you? You are their boss after all, and it's common [...]

Changing your credit union’s name

Changing your credit union’s name

Sometimes a federal credit union (FCU) considers a name change. One common reason for this might be that over time, changes in the FCU’s field of membership could mean the original name no longer [...]

Not all clouds are formed the same

Not all clouds are formed the same

Not too long ago, the idea of hosting both information and business processes outside a credit union’s own digital walls was a showstopper. Questions about security, information control and overall early adoption fears typically [...]

47 credit union leaders graduate from Foundation’s DE program

47 credit union leaders graduate from Foundation’s DE program

Forty-seven credit union leaders were designated as Credit Union Development Educators (CUDEs) after completing the National Credit Union Foundation’s (the Foundation) Credit Union Development Education (DE) Training. The May DE Training was held May [...]

Tell us your opinion about CFPB efforts by June 6

Tell us your opinion about CFPB efforts by June 6

NAFCU-member credit unions have until next Thursday to submit responses to this month's Economic & CU Monitor survey, which is focused on CFPB priorities. Through the survey, NAFCU seeks to better understand the industry's outlook [...]

Choosing the right charter for growth

Choosing the right charter for growth

Some see field of membership as an antiquated notion, no longer reasonable in the modern financial services marketplace. Others embrace it as a defining characteristic of what makes credit unions different (and better) than banks. [...]