News Archives

Four steps for dealing with excise tax

Four steps for dealing with excise tax

May 15 was the first payment date for the 21% excise tax on annual executive compensation in excess of $1 million to any one of a CU’s top-five paid executives. The tax was part [...]

June 12: Get updates on CECL, BSA/AML, marijuana banking, more

June 12: Get updates on CECL, BSA/AML, marijuana banking, more

NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger and senior leaders of the association's award-winning advocacy team next week will give members an update on key credit union issues, including the current expected credit loss (CECL) standard, [...]

Loan Zone: Millennial homebuyers are struggling

Loan Zone: Millennial homebuyers are struggling

Millennials have finally entered the housing market, but it hasn’t been easy for them. While the majority of homeowners are satisfied with their properties, millennials as a group report exceptionally high levels of financial [...]

Johnson named 2019 Credit Union Hero of the Year

Johnson named 2019 Credit Union Hero of the Year

Harlene Johnson, president of Light Commerce Credit Union in Houston, has been named Credit Union Magazine’s 2019 Credit Union Hero of the Year. Johnson will be recognized at the 2019 America’s Credit Union [...]

Secrets of debit top performers

Secrets of debit top performers

In our role as consultants to a broad family of credit unions, we have the opportunity to work with both underperforming and outperforming credit unions. Our engagement process provides us with an in-depth understanding of [...]