News Archives

Hunt: CUs are solution to overdraft issues

Hunt: CUs are solution to overdraft issues

As the debate on overdraft protection continues, NAFCU's Carrie Hunt says credit unions can serve as the solution to the perceived flaws of this vital resource in an op-ed for CU Today. Hunt, NAFCU's executive [...]

Facility Solutions: After the flood

Facility Solutions: After the flood

Whether you believe in climate change or not, natural disasters seem to be getting worse in recent years. Fires along the West Coast and flooding and tornadoes from the Midwest to the East Coast have [...]

PFI, where art thou?

PFI, where art thou?

During a recent discussion, nearly 50 credit union CEOs deliberated that consumers may not seek a primary financial institution (PFI) for all financial services needs. That prompted further discussion on delivery, marketing, pricing, products, technology, [...]

CUNA engaged w/ UBIT, cannabis, beneficial owner hearings

CUNA engaged w/ UBIT, cannabis, beneficial owner hearings

Both the House and Senate are in session this week and will be conducting several hearings of note to credit unions. On Wednesday the House Ways and Means subcommittee on oversight will conduct a hearing [...]

No recession on horizon, says NAFCU economist

No recession on horizon, says NAFCU economist

Total retail sales increased 0.5 percent in May, and April's sales growth was revised upward from -0.2 percent to +0.3 percent. NAFCU's Curt Long noted that strong gains in consumer spending may [...]