News Archives

Before you switch core processing systems

Before you switch core processing systems

Core processors are often equipped with such a wide array of functionality and customization options that credit unions may not be using their systems to full effect. Most vendors offer some form of optimization service, [...]

Considering a merger? Do this first!

Considering a merger? Do this first!

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with the CEO of a $20 million credit union. After learning about the results they’re seeing, I exclaimed, “You’re doing some amazing things for a credit [...]

Being a great leader takes work

Being a great leader takes work

We all know someone who was "born to lead." That might even describe you. This is true to some degree, leadership does take certain skills – some of which are innate. No matter the characteristics that [...]

Is your financial marketing worthy of C-Suite status?

Is your financial marketing worthy of C-Suite status?

According to McKinsey, 83% of CEOs globally believe marketing can be a major driver of growth. This is obviously a new phenomenon, given that marketing traditionally was viewed as a “cost center” that would spend [...]

Are your 2019 fintech goals on track?

Are your 2019 fintech goals on track?

At the mid-point of 2019, Summer is here and vacations have started. If you manage to sneak away from your role as a  credit union leader, perhaps sipping your lemonade poolside, you may start to [...]

Do you need a will?

Do you need a will?

According to a Gallup poll in 2016, less than 50% of Americans say they have a will describing their wishes for handling their money and estate after their death. Young people, racial minorities, and adults [...]

Create a win-win by reducing member anxiety

Create a win-win by reducing member anxiety

Leading consulting firms, such as Forrester and Bain & Co., have long maintained emotions are key in shaping customer experience (CX) perceptions.  Bain reports reducing anxiety as the key emotional element of customer experience in [...]

Hood attends ceremonial swearing-in by Vice President Pence

Hood attends ceremonial swearing-in by Vice President Pence

NCUA Chairman Rodney Hood Thursday recounted how values of humility, integrity, hard work, compassion and service to others have shaped his outlook and his career. “I did not set out to dedicate my work life [...]

Gretchen Carlson, Major Garrett to keynote NAFCU’s Caucus

Gretchen Carlson, Major Garrett to keynote NAFCU’s Caucus

Hundreds of credit union representatives who attend NAFCU's 2019 Congressional Caucus will have the opportunity to hear from renowned journalists Gretchen Carlson and Major Garrett. Not yet registered for this year's Caucus? Register before July [...]

On Compliance: Keep it classy

On Compliance: Keep it classy

With passage of the Dodd Frank Act in 2009, the financial services industry has become even more highly regulated. Not surprisingly, there has been a corresponding uptick in consumer class action litigation against financial institutions. [...]

PODCAST: Beyond the logo

PODCAST: Beyond the logo

A brand refresh involves much more than changing your logo or adding billboards. “That’s literally the last thing you do, and it takes the least amount of time,” says Anne Norman, senior vice president [...]