News Archives

Jobs report rebounds in June; rate cut still possible

Jobs report rebounds in June; rate cut still possible

NAFCU Chief Economist and Vice President of Research Curt Long noted that Friday's jobs report – with 224,000 jobs gained in June – reveals moderate economic growth, specifically in labor force participation, but he still expects [...]

401(K) upgrade offers a critical solution

401(K) upgrade offers a critical solution

Credit unions and their employees face intensifying challenges. With increasing fiduciary risk, market volatility and employee retirement unpreparedness, the need for a 401(k) solution that can provide the due diligence, employee education and user-friendly [...]

Amazon’s impending invasion of banking

Amazon’s impending invasion of banking

Fears of an Amazon "invasion" in financial services have reached a fever pitch. One Financial Brand article reported that banks and credit unions are "bracing for the Amazon doomsday." Does Amazon--and other big tech companies, [...]

The leaders in online banking penetration

The leaders in online banking penetration

The cooperative financial services industry counted 5,492 credit unions among its ranks as of Dec. 31, 2018. Versus one year prior, that’s 197 fewer institutions, 194 of which were merged or acquired. The [...]

Motivation station

Motivation station

The other day I heard the expression, “Don’t let your ice cream melt counting someone else’s sprinkles”. I love that! How true it is. We often compare ourselves to others in social and [...]

May MCUEs show loan growth slowing, savings up 1.3%

May MCUEs show loan growth slowing, savings up 1.3%

CUNA’s Monthly Credit Union Estimates for May 2019 shows a continuation of slowing loan and membership growth: credit union memberships increased just 0.31%, the slowest May increase since 2014. Moreover, loan portfolios were [...]

How to navigate the Federal Register

How to navigate the Federal Register

As credit unions seek answers to an unclear rule or further clarification on a regulation, NAFCU's Brandy Bruyere compiles a quick guide to navigate the Federal Register in a post this week on the Compliance [...]