News Archives

3 ways to tackle mortgage servicing pain points

3 ways to tackle mortgage servicing pain points

It has not been easy for the mortgage servicing industry to recover and navigate the economic climate in the aftermath of the Great Recession. In addition to the surge of regulations and sky-rocketing operational costs, [...]

Payments fraud, via apps?

Payments fraud, via apps?

Apps with a possible security flaw, a malware phishing scheme and possibly, payments fraud, all done in the blink of an eye? Security firm Symantec said this past week that it found a security flaw [...]

CUNA findings: Branch location matters for the underserved

CUNA findings: Branch location matters for the underserved

CUNA released Friday the July 2019 edition of the Economic Update, sponsored by the CUNA Finance Council. Senior Policy Analyst Samira Salem reports on recent U.S. economic growth developments, most notably a forecasted slowdown [...]

Hard conversations

Hard conversations

To open his session for the CUNA Management School’s second year class, Ronaldo Hardyasked students to leave the classroom briefly. Students formed two groups: women and minorities, and white males. When the groups re-entered [...]

Tips for more effective one-on-ones

Tips for more effective one-on-ones

We're just over halfway through 2019. At my organization – and I'm sure at many of yours, too – our managers are holding midyear reviews with their team members to see how things are going. Part of [...]