News Archives

Do your members know you care?

Do your members know you care?

It finally happened. We got the call that all parents dread. ”Mr. Henry, your son has been in an accident”. A heart stopping moment passed before the man on the phone said “he’s not [...]

CUNA engaged with blockchain hearing this week

CUNA engaged with blockchain hearing this week

The Senate is in session this week for what is expected to be the final time before Labor Day, and the House has already adjourned until Sept. 9. CUNA will be engaged with a Senate [...]

Maximizing mobile solutions

Maximizing mobile solutions

David Dean, SVP/marketing solutions & business development for CUES Supplier member CU Solutions Group, Livonia, Michigan, says credit unions are really in the same boat as everyone else when it comes to mobile: “Users [...]

What you need to know about Libra

What you need to know about Libra

Libra. It’s a word most of us know, and it’s a word most often associated with astrological signs. Facebook is hoping to change that. When people think of currency, Facebook wants them to [...]

A holistic look at member growth

A holistic look at member growth

Americans continue to join credit unions in record numbers. Each person joins for their own reasons, but together they’re energizing a movement that now accounts for more than one-third of the U.S. population. [...]

Defining credit union payment strategies

Defining credit union payment strategies

Over the past several months, I must have received over a dozen phone calls from credit unions trying to better understand how to define a payment strategy. A strong payment strategy can provide a blueprint [...]