News Archives



Yes, the summer flew by. And with the end of summer comes back-to-school. As parents re-start the routine of another school year and kids say goodbye to lazy summer days, this provides us some great [...]

CECL delay to 2023 proposed, comments due Sept. 16

CECL delay to 2023 proposed, comments due Sept. 16

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has issued its proposal on giving certain entities, including credit unions, additional time to implement the current expected credit loss (CECL) standard. The proposal would delay implementation of CECL [...]

NY Fed: Household debt exceeds peak reached in 2008

NY Fed: Household debt exceeds peak reached in 2008

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York this week released second quarter data on household debt and credit that showed total household debt reached a new high of $13.86 trillion – $1.2 trillion (in [...]

Remember your WHY when strategic planning

Remember your WHY when strategic planning

As many credit union executives and volunteers congregate around board tables this fall for their all-important strategic planning meetings, I wanted to share some brain food from one of my favorite authors, Simon Sinek. He [...]